How to create effective segments on TweetDM


Segmentation in Twitter marketing allows businesses to tailor their messaging and offers to specific groups within their audience based on characteristics such as demographics, behavior, and preferences. This leads to higher engagement rates, improved customer experiences, and increased conversion rates. By sending relevant content, businesses can build trust with their subscribers, strengthen their brand reputation and drive more revenue. Segmentation also helps in avoiding messaging fatigue and improving deliverability, as Twitter DMs that are relevant to the recipient are less likely to be marked as spam. Thus, segmentation is a crucial aspect of Twitter marketing that helps businesses effectively communicate with their target audience and drive better results.

Here’s how to build effective Segments:

  1. Identify your ideal customer profile -
  2. Search up a few example profiles, examine keywords or common vernacular used in those bios.
  3. Use TweetDM’s “Advanced Search” feature to begin searching through TweetDM’s Database of Users with the keywords you’ve identified as common themes. Here’s an example used by a digital marketing agency looking for E-commerce Brand Owners as their prospect target:

TweetDM filtering Note: To utilize this feature, you must be on TweetDM’s professional plan.

  1. Be sure to refine the list with our “Not” feature to exclude common keywords that are irrelevant or disqualify prospects from the list you’ve generated.

Be sure to refine the list with our “Not” feature to exclude common keywords that are irrelevant or disqualify prospects from the list you’ve generated.

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